quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

A democracia é representativa...

Repassado por Eduardo Borges, um artigo que questiona o número de representante na Grã-Bretanha. Uma análise desde fora, para aniquilar o discurso sobre o pretensamente excessivo número de deputados federais no Brasil.

Representatives in parliament

Full house

Apr 20th 2011, 14:14 by The Economist online
Which countries have the largest number of people per legislator?
BRITAIN’S House of Lords is full, according to a new  report by the Constitution Unit, a research centre at University College, London. There have been 117 appointments to the upper house in under a year, even though the government has committed to reducing the number of MPs in the lower house, the House of Commons, by 50 at the next election. The chart below suggests one rationale for this reduction: of the world's 22 most populous countries, Britain has by far the most parliamentary legislators per head (or, to put it another way, the smallest number of people per legislator). Only China has more legislators in total, and India has just over half as many to cover 20 times the population. One explanation for these disparities could be the economies of scale achieved in more populous countries, yet of those states with over 12m people, only North Korea is more over-represented than Britain.

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